But it's not empty anymore...
Finnian: Really? Just 4 Camping Tents...?
Bolt: Haha, they send us to Woo Hoo.... Yes! I'm going to enjoy this!
Beatrix-Maye: I really hope this isn't a joke... I'm not ready for that...
Lydia: Mmmm... Guys, let's see what's inside... Maybe we're getting a big surprise...
Gnomeo: Okay... Ladies first...
Alice: Let's go girls...!
Bolt: Do you guys hear something? Some screaming...?
Finnian: Nothing... And they didn't come out... So I guess it's safe...
Gnomeo: So why are we still here... Let's go...
John: I just hope they don't waste my time...
Gnomeo: Here we go...
And then they walk into this beautiful magical place...
Finnian: Unbelievable!
Alice: Wow! I love magic!
Gnomeo: Wow! Do you see it?
Gwen: Yeah, It's beautiful... A real magical world...
Bolt: And here I thought we're going to Woo Hoo...
Lydia: Haha, I told you guys we're in for a big surprise....
Bolt: Yeah... This is a big surprise... Damn...
Lydia: Hold you in... Or I put an ice blast spell on you...
Bolt: .... Okay....
Beatrix-Maye: Wow! This is magical... A place for a Queen...
John: I guess the Queen of Scandinavia going to be jealous when she heard about this....
Beatrix-Maye: Queen...? Oh, you're talking about Dagmar... Yeah... She will be jealous...
Bolt: So can I mix us a drink? I'm thirsty after all this excitement.
Lydia: Aww... That will be nice thank you...
Bolt: So what will it be? Woohoo on the Beach?
Finnian: "..."
Alice: Let's go dish... I'm hungry...
Beatrix-Maye: So will you get us something to drink?
Beatrix-Maye: A Cherry Casanova will be nice thank you...
Gnomeo: So Juliet, what can I mix for you?
Gwen: Haha, my name isn't Juliet...
Gnomeo: Aww... I thought you are my Juliet... Didn't Juliet choose Romeo?
Gwen: Haha... You are funny... Maybe in the movies...
Gnomeo: So aren't I, your Romeo...? You have chosen me out of all the guys...
Gwen: Aww... If you want to look at it like that...
Gnomeo: So what will it be, My Juliet?
Gwen: Surprise me...
Gwen: Hehe... It will be nice, thank you very much...
Bolt: Mmm... The food looks delicious...
Lydia: Yep, and it smells divine...
Beatrix-Maye: Hehe... The food also looks good enough for a Queen...
Finnian: Shall we sit down and eat....?
Alice: Sure...
And after finishing their meals they decided to dance...
Bolt: I think you're Hot!
Lydia: What?
Bolt: I really like you...
Lydia: Awww.... *blushing* Thanks... You're also not a bad guy...
Finnian: You can dance hey...?
Alice: Yeah, I love dancing... I love to ballet too... You wanna see?
Finnian: Hehe... You can show me one day... Okay...
Alice: Really? I will love that...
Gnomeo: You got the moves, babe...
Gwen: Haha... you can't see me...
Gnomeo: Awww... So when are you going to reveal yourself?
Gwen: Mmmm.... *sounding sad* I guess everyone wants to know... I'm not sure myself...
John: Don't even say it...
Beatrix-Maye: What?
John: I can't dance...
Beatrix-Maye: Who says I can't dance? You didn't even see me yet...
John: I mean, I can't dance...
Beatrix-Maye: Awww....
Alice: Yeah... A lot!
Gnomeo: Come on baby, let's groove...
Gwen: First Juliet, now baby... Hehe
Lydia: Hey, John, I thought you said you can't dance...
John: "..."
Beatrix-Maye: I begged him and he has given in...
Bolt: That's good... Let the party begins...!
Lydia: Hehe, we are here more than 2 hours already...
Everybody is having fun...
Gnomeo starts with a smustle dance...
Finnian: Hey Gnomeo... You can move...
And a video... (You guys must watch it... It's actually hilarious)
Back At the Hogwarts Castle
X: "TOOT! Toot toot! Toot toot toot! TOOT TOOT! Toot toot toot toot! TOOT! Toot toot! Toot toot toot! TOOT TOOT! Toot toot toot toot! TOOT! Toot toot toot toot toot! TOOT TOOT! Toot toot toot toot! TOOT! Toot toot! Toot toot toot toot toot toot toot!"
*X sighs desperately, then decides to get his wand and draw letters in the air*
Leigh-Ann: "OMG, I am so mad right now. It really seems like some people dismiss the real fact of this game, which is finding love, but some people only seem to care about this f**king money. Of course, the price we get here is very nice, but come on, the real goal is to find your soulmate, and some people here are plum their pants because Finnian might destroy everything with his homosexuality. Do they seriously think that a gay relationship would cost us our money? Come on, two seasons ago we had The Hood and Jennifer as a perfect match, but The Hood decided to take another girl, and it didn't change anything with the price. I mean if somehow Chad finally confesses his true feelings, which are finally confirmed since he mumbled it while he thought he was alone in the kitchen *giggles*, Finnian "could" take him but still search the "perfect match" and NOBODY would loose anything. It only needs a bit of common sense and logic, folks. Good thing that I can count Quinn on my side, which quite surprises me, and I think that at least Jody and Phoebe are on board with this. For god's sake, I won't make them turn Finnian straight, I WON'T!"
The following scene Yannik and Princess worked together in a PM chat.
It's late at night when Chad decided to visit the library, he is quite mad at the fact he is in the coolest house but he can't stand any of his roommates...
Chad: *mumbling* "Where the f**k is that bowl of that grandma...? If that would be gone, then these douches would finally stop, for crying out loud."
Finnian is looking at books and in his hyper-focused state of mind, he does not initially see Chad. He could hardly stay awake and it was clear as he would occasionally jump awake and make a sound of frustration.
"What a godd*** plum Quinn is. Can't just LISTEN to me!" Finnian slams the book shut and rubs his eyes furiously. He continues to mumble something to himself about the severity of a simple scratch and how something is an 'open gateway to a furious depth of plum nobody on this show would want to be unleashed'
When Finnian spoke to Chad he got a bit scared, mostly because he finds it a bit weird what Finnian mumbled. "Woah, where did you come from? Uhm... if you want to know, I'm trying to sabotage some of my housemates. Do you know where this bowl is where Beatrix is preparing potions?"
Finnian slides the book into his lap and plays with the edge of the cover as he speaks, "een here all night. Research purposes."
Finny laughs lightly as Chad describes this 'bowl' for potions. "Do you perhaps mean a cauldron sweetness? If so, I do know where you can find one." He stands and gathers the rest of his books. Some about herbs, some about various magical genes, and one about the dangers a witch could possibly face. He's deeply grateful to have found that book produces no information about the current situation. "I'll take you there, just give me a moment if you will?"
A light laugh went through Chad's lips "Well, whatever, I am more the guy for casting spells than to stand at this cauldron."
While Finny gathers his books and turns around for a moment, Chad caught himself staring at Finny's behind area. He tries to focus. "I have one question though, how the heck do you survive all these plum people and all this bashing because of your sexuality? I mean I only needed to listen to it and get annoyed and mad."
Finnian sighs and uses all his power to float the books back into their places. He's drained for the day. He had given Quinn a sizable portion that day to keep him under wraps. "You bottle up all the anger and sadness. You take what they say and wait until you're all alone, only then do you let it out. Sometimes you have to hear it from family or your unrequited love and-" his shoulders start shaking lightly as he holds back tears.
"Uhm. So. . ." He turns to face Chad and lazily runs his hands through his powder blue hair. "That cauldron?"
Chad is now confused "Wait, there are more of these?" Then he thought to himself "If I really want to let this work, I need to work hard." But then he focussed more on what Finnian said. "Well, you might be surprised, but I know how you feel. I'm from a conservative family so I heard things like that very often. But since I live on my own I don't need to hear this all that often. Actually, Leigh-Ann is the one in our neighborhood who organizes events for the LGBT-Community although she is straight. Even though she is the most annoying person I know, I'm actually thankful for that, otherwise, our neighbors would act like Mikale and Beatrix-Maye and I would get in trouble."
Chad feels his heart beating faster when Finnian came closer, it feels like when he met his last girlfriend for the first time. Back then he fell in love instantly, and now it seems like it is happening again. Then he said while looking into Finnian's eyes "Hey Finnian, can I tell you a secret?"
Chad begins to get nervous now, he tells to himself in his mind that he can do this. "Well, it may sound weird, but I think I like you."
Finnian yawns and covers his mouth, "I guess I can say you're really f****** hot. Blondes with glasses are my weakness."
Chad laughed softly "No seriously, its like everytime when we are in the same room my heart beats faster, and I didn't had this feeling for a long time. And I don't give a dam* what the others think, if they can't accept feelings, then they are in the wrong show. And thanks for the compliment, you are also very handsome, I especially like your hair." He smiles and without really noticing, gets closer to Finnian.
Finnian grins and kisses his cheek, "yeah? Well I guess I'll start passing by more often~ Come on, let's get you that 'bowl' before I pass out"
Chad starts laughing "Hey, don't be cheeky, or else I might have to turn you into a frog." He grins and sticks out his tongue.
Finnian: "Cheeky? Me? Never~" he begins to gently guide Chad to the place where the cauldron is kept. Before leaving he boops Chad's nose, telling him that, "don't stay up too late it's bad for you."
Chad wishes Finnian good night and can't stop smiling, maybe Finnian might be the right one. Only time will tell, but it already feels wonderful. Now Chad only needs to hide the cauldron, since this 'bowl' is too heavy, he uses the "Wingadium Leviosa" spell. As soon as he hid everything, he went back to his house and went to bed. He couldn't stop thinking about Finnian.
The Hufflepuff House
Finnian marched into the Hufflepuff common room and motioned Quinn over. Finnian looked downright furious, Quinn quickly followed after him.
Quinn was startled by Finnian slapping the back if his head. “What were your words to me yesterday? That nobody knows and never will?! If the whole show doesn't know by tonight's ceremony I'd be amazed!”
Quinn's face is ridden with guilt, that small break had completely thrown the delicate balance in his body completely off.
Finnian: “Nothing to say, I see. The next time I tell you to keep your nose out of things? Do it. And for the love of Creator Eat.the.dam.Wolfsbane.”
Nodding walks over to Bolt who is out in the fields of Hogwarts. He notices Bolt is looking around the grounds.
"What are you doing?" Nodding asks.
"I'm looking for gemstones!" Bolt answers.
"There's one there -- a red one. Why are you looking? I didn't know you were interested in gems? I'm used to you digging in trash heaps for scrap. Is this for an invention?" Nodding asks.
Bolt grabs the red stone, "Yes, you could say it's for an invention. I'm trying to invent wealth! I have no royals in my family tree, so I thought if I could impress Dagmar with valuable jewels, she might look my way."
Nodding considers..."You know, I don't really know if she is really a queen. I think she might have a screw loose."
"Well, I'm really handy. I can tighten that screw for her when I give her these gemstones! Then maybe she'll consider me, and I'll be King Bolt of Scandinavia!!"
"Oh, OK, then. Good luck!" Nodding leaves and walks to the greenhouses -- his favorite area.
At the greenhouses, Nodding picks a flower and starts plucking out the petals one by one, "She loves me, she loves me not, she loves me, she loves me not, she loves me....She loves me!!!"
Phoebe: Hehe... You got the hots for him too?
Maliha: Mmmm... Why do you say, 'too'? So you think he does like me?
Phoebe: Let's see what happens at the matching ceremony... You will have your answer if he chooses you...
Maliha: Hopefully he can choose first and I wasn't chosen by someone else...
Lydia: Oh, you just have to see this place with your own eyes... So magical...
Jody: You say you entered this place through a normal camping tent...?
Lydia: Yep, it was like magic... The one moment we're standing in front of the tent and the next moment we walked into a big Ballroom...
Noddy: Awesome... I wish I was there to see it all....
Beatrix-Maye: So you guys are choosing again tonight... Who are you going to choose?
John: You of course.... The other girls are too young for me... Or didn't you know that?
Beatrix-Maye: Really? *blushing*
John: Yeah, and I really don't know what to talk to them about... I know you understand me better... Or am I wrong?
Beatrix-Maye: You are right... The other guys are also too young for me... Do you think we are a perfect match?
John: Yes! Absolute...! Tonight will proof it...
Beatrix-Maye: Do you think they will vote for us for the Truth Booth?
John: I did talk to a few people and I'm confident we're going to the truth Booth...
Quinn: Can I ask you something?
Raven: Sure...?
Quinn: Will you go on a date with me?
Raven: Are you sure? I thought you hate the Slytherin people...
Quinn: I don't hate them... I just have a problem with the people that can't understand Finny's sexuality... I guess you do?
Raven: I don't have a problem with that... He can date whoever he wants...
Quinn: So will you?
Raven: Will I what?
Quinn: Go on a date with me...?
Raven: Sure I will... Just tell me when...
Quinn: As soon as possible... Hopefully, it will be with the next challenge...
Mikale: I heard you entertained the people with your groovy moves...
Gnomeo: Haha... You can say that...
Mikale: You really have to show and teach me that, okay?
Gnomeo: Haha, Okay...
Camilla: I heard the people had a nice date at a fancy magical place...
Dagmar: Yeah, I don't know why they didn't send us to that place when we're on the date... So then I had to suffer through a stupid 'adventure'. My hands and nails are still broken of the hard work to get some 'treasure'...
Camilla: Aww, that was fun... Noddy and I got a lot of treasure...
Dagmar: That wasn't fun for me... I just got blisters and broken nails out of it...
Alice: I wonder where did I put... *Bumping into Gwen*
Gwen: Hey, look where you're walking...
Alice: Aww... Sorry, I didn't see you...
Gwen: Aww... By all means, you can't... Sorry, it's my fault... What are you doing?
Alice: I'm conjuring an apple... Look!
Gwen: Cool... I can do that too...
Alice: Really... Can you show me...
Gwen: Yeah...
Alice: Now?
Gwen: Aww... We need to go to the Matching Ceremony... I will show you after that, okay?
Alice: Awesome! Thanks...
At the Matching Ceremony
Scot: Good evening Guys and Girls... Did the dates had a great time?
Lydia: It was magic, thanks...
Colleen: Okay, are your guys ready with tonight show?
Everybody: Yes!
Scot: Okay let's start with the good and the bad witch... Let see who win the battle...
Everyone: Good...
And it stays...
Bolt: *fingerpointing* You just leave me and my partner alone, okay!! *Everybody laughs*
Colleen: Okay the bad witch switch the following couples....
Scot: Jody and Alice and Mikale and Raven...
Mikale: Jody, I swear if it's you....
Jody: Haha... It's not...
Gnomeo: I'm sure it's because you didn't choose Gwen...
Mikale: If this bad witch wanted Gwen, why didn't he choose Quinn to switch then...?
Bolt: I don't think it's Gwen that he wants...
Gwen: "I've gotten pretty used to being a leftover pick lately... Alas.... Hmm....."
Scot: Uhm... Can we please go on...?
Everyone: Yeah!
Colleen: Okay up next is then, who do you want in the Truth Booth...? And the couple is......
Scot: John and Beatrix with 7 votes...
Colleen: Okay, let's see if they are a match....
Everyone: Red... Yes!
Everyone: Blue.... Nope!
Everyone: Red... Yes!
Everyone: Blue.... Nope!
And it stays there...
Colleen: Guys and Girls you've got your first Perfect match! And the hosts for the next and the last season...
Everybody: Yes! And Congratulations...
Scot: Okay, Are you ready to see how many matches do you have? You know now that you've got one match for sure...
Everybody: Yes!
Colleen: Okay...
And the numbers start rolling...
Until the 3 stays!
Everybody: Yes!
Colleen: Congratz guys and girls... You've got 3 matches and one of them is a confirmed perfect match... Woot!
Scot: Okay, then it's all for tonight... Good night!
Stay tuned for the next episode!