As the winter comes and colors the land in white, the AYTO players worked on their witch skill for the upcoming Spellcasting challenge...
Beatrix-Maye also tries to make a conversation with the Hufflepuff house ghost... But it looks if he is more interested in the book he reads...
Maybe this ghost want to know more about his future? Haha...
Lady Gray wanders through the castle...
Maliha: I think Noddy here is my perfect match...
Raven: I have chosen him for me from the start...
Noddy: Girls...
Raven: You keep your mouth shut... It's between me and Maliha...
Noddy: But, can I also have a say in this?
Raven and Maliha together: No...!
Camilla: So did you decided yet who you want as your 'perfect match'?
Finnian: I thought it's decided long before we came here...
Camilla: Yeah... True... But is there someone that catches your eye?
Finnian: Scot?
Beatrix-Maye: Why are you following me?
John: Awww.... I want to ask you something....
Beatrix-Maye: Yeah...?
John: Awww... Is it okay if I ask you for the date if I win the challenge?
Beatrix-Maye: Mmmm...
Chad: So, who do you think will match with me?
Mikale: Finnian?
Chad: F@%&.... I'm not like that!
Mikale: Oh sorry... My sister... Maliha...?
Camilla: Hey, Nodding!
Camilla: Listen...I kind of felt bad about what the truth booth said.
Nodding sulks a little.
Nodding: Yes, quite...
Nodding thinks on it for a while.
Nodding: I suppose that would be fine.
Camilla: Awesomesauce! Well, I hope I'll see you around. Maybe we can get to know each other more over the show? :) And maybe help each other find our matches?
Camilla: Alright! Cross your fingers! We're here to win big!
Nodding sighs to himself as Camilla walks away to the Ravenclaw common room.
Nodding: Friends...
Dagmar: Ugh! I am INCENSED that I was paired with that gnome creature! I suppose he wasn't an offensive fellow in the slightest during that outing, but still! My purpose for coming to this production isn't to associate myself with rabble. A successor to The Crown must be produced within a short amount of time in order to consolidate our legacy, and it must be with a man of the highest pedigree!
Cameraman 1 to Cameraman 2: *whispers* Jeez, what a wacko. The producers sure know how to pick 'em.
Jody: Need a little bit of love?
Dagmar: What?
Jody: I sense you need some help... This spell will make sure you just get the right successor to the crown...
Dagmar: Really? You can do that?
Jody: Yeah sure...
Dagmar: Oh... Is it you....? *looking at him totally under his spell*
Jody: Oh no... But just go there and you will find him... *pointing down the corridors*
Phoebe: So are you ready for our next challenge?
Leigh-Ann: Totally... And I'm going to win this game...
Phoebe: So did you decide who you want to go on a date with?
Leigh-Ann: I can't decide between Gnomeo or Bolt...
Phoebe: Mmmm...
Finnian and Mikale became really big friends in the game...
Mikale: So did you work out your strategy to win the next challenge?
Finnian: Aww... Not really... Can you tell me how I can get a date with Scot?
Mikale: Scot? Really? We are here for the girls' dude...
Finnian: Yeah I know... But I can't help it... Every time I passed him...
Finnian: Yeah I know... But...
Mikale: We need to go and talk to Beatrix-Maye, I'm sure she can brew you a potion to make you straight until after the show...
Finnian: But I like who I am... And I like other men... Don't you....? *making a pass at him*
Mikale: Hey! Watch it... We're just friends and we are here for the money and to get that you really need to get into girls... Come! Let's go look for Beatrix-Maye...
Raven: Hehe, Quinn, did they hide your clothes again?
Quinn: It's that silly girl, Alice... She doesn't leave my clothes alone...
Raven: Haha... Maybe she wants to see you nude or she got an eye on you...
Quinn: Awww... Please don't say she's my perfect match....
Raven: Haha, why not? She' cute...
Quinn: And act like a little girl, yeah...
Raven: Mmmm... I wonder who is her perfect match...?
Dagmar: If I win the challenge, will you go on a date with me?
Bolt: .....
Chad: Hey dude... She asks you a question...
Bolt: ....
Alice: Do you guys want to play tag with me?
Leigh-Ann: Aww... Alice, can we do that a little bit later...? Mikale and I need to discuss some stuff...
Alice: What stuff?
Mikale: We're discussing the upcoming challenge... Are you ready for it?
Alice: Oh yes! Do you want to see?
Leigh-Ann: Can we also do that later... Mikale and I really have....
Alice: It's okay! Just leave it.... Nobody wants to do things with me... *storms away*
Lydia: Raven is looking for you...
Gnomeo: She does? Where is she?
Lydia: Are you really her house gnome?
Gnomeo: Yeah, from the time I can remember...
Lydia: But how did it happen that the two of you are here together? I thought house gnomes aren't allowed to attend stuff like this...
Gnomeo: I don't know... I also thought I'm here to serve her... But the people here told me otherwise... I still can't believe it...
Lydia: Actually then it's good for you... Luckily they put you in different houses...
Gnomeo: Yeah, but maybe I just have to go and look for her...
Lydia: Don't do that! If she wants you, let her look for you...
Gnomeo: Mmm... I guess...
Lydia: Nice...
Gnomeo: But...
Lydia: Are you a man or a bug...?
Gnomeo: I'm a man...
Lydia: So...?
Gnomeo: Okay... I won't look for her...
Lydia: Yes!
Alice: Do be do be do... Teheehee!
Alice: Ahahahahahahaha!
John: Alice, don't laugh so.
Alice: Bonnie JONNIE! AHAHA!
John: How old are you now, Alice?
Alice: ...Bonnie Jonnie, I made you coffee. Coffee to wake you up ya grumper!
John: ...Aah.
Alice: Golly! It's a beautiful morning!
John: I don't have time for coffee today, Alice.
Alice: But JONNIE...!!
John cracks open his pentium, stroking it softly.
Alice: You NEVER have time for coffee! I don't think there has been ONE MORNING when you have drunk my coffee!
John coughs.
Alice: But I don't care! I'll make for you tomorrow!
Alice pours the coffee down the drain.
Alice: Ahahahahahahaha! Okay bye then! You Silly Billy!
Gwen: "... How does that thing work here?....."
John: "?"
*John looking up from his portable pentium*
John: "... Who's there?"
Gwen: "..."
*John shrugs*
John: "Hm."

Gwen: ".. Since when do electronics work at Hogwarts?....."
*Gwen looks around from under her invisibility cloak. No one else's in her eyesight*
Gwen: "Excellent."
*Gwen waves with her wand, producing a non-verbal transfiguration spell from under her cloak*
Gwen: "Good..."
*Gwen smiles at the result of her spell. But suddenly, she hears footsteps approach from afar*
Gwen: "Oh..."
Beatrix-Maye: "..."
*Beatrix Maye conjures a canvas*
Beatrix-Maye: "That's better..."
Gwen: "..."
Gwen: "... Hmmm...."
Gwen: "... She likes to paint too..."
In the girls bathroom...
Chad: Ugh, I may be in the best house of this game, but they are all so naive. Their ideas of making their hands dirty are far away from a good strategy to take them out. In order to win, you need to have to sabotage and hurt others. I have the best idea you can imagine of. The others will be too scared, I will be the king of the house, and I might actually get rid of Leigh-Ann, I really can't stand her, I am supposed to be the most mighty and beloved neighbor, but she had to move next to me and be sooo nice to everybody and be such a supportive and attractive b****. Nice people make me barf and throw up. Leigh-Ann Nissen, prepare for your last words, honey. *evil laugh*Leigh-Ann is using the toilet right now while Chad is sneaking in to fulfill his evil plan.
Chad: Prepare to smell like a campfire, because you will be the campfire, you irritated b@#$.
*He uses his fire spell near the toilet. He runs away before anybody could see him*
*goes out of the toilet room and the first thing she sees is a fire bursting up in front of her.*
Leigh-Ann: HOLY plum!!! HELP!!! HELP!!! HERE IS A FIRE IN HERE!!!
Oh my god, I'm still shaking. Why would anybody put a fire near a toilet, I could have been hurt or killed. Thankfully I was able to extinguish the flames. I'm sure somebody wanted to hurt or even kill me, but I'm not sure who it could be, I really don't... Hold on, of course, I know who it was. I'm so plum. Oh, Chad Robertson, if I was you, I would hope and beg for mercy, you are in big trouble.
*runs to the house of the Slytherins*
Chad: What are you talking about?
Leigh-Ann: It was you that started the fire in the girl's bathroom! Take this! *and cast an ice blast spell on him*
Chad: It wasn't me... I wasn't near the girl's bathroom!

Leigh-Ann: Oh yes it was you....! I smelled your aftershave just before the fire...
Leigh-Ann: And just you dare to do something like this again... I will make sure that the jail is your next home... Okay?
*fans herself*
Again, my brother is a blabbermouth and cruel, so beware what you take from him. I've already heard some nasty things coming from that big fat face of his. Ugh. Such a git.
*he points to his body*
So, I may pull a few jokes on some of the others. Ones who annoy me. I mean, why not? No one will know because no one watches these clips except the audience, right? (no one sees except the audience, right? Until the end?) Oooh, maybe I should break into the filming room. I could go through all the film to see what others are saying about me. Now that would be sweet! I'll get right on that.
*cameraman clears his throat*
Oh. Right. You all now know about my plan. Well, never mind. That's all for now. I've got things to do, which does NOT include breaking in here, of course.
X: "Last episode could be better. I barely got to talk like anyone, it was almost like I was invisible or something.. :/ Meh. Guess that's what happens if everyone's quirky all the way and I'm just a... generic... couch tester. Time to step up my game and mingle more with these people. Maybe I could have a guys only night or something? That should work."
Later that evening... The guys gathered for the party. In the middle is a Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans Bush...
Nodding: "Who dares to go first?"
Chad: "Not me."
Finnian: "Me neither, darling."
Bolt: "Great! Truth or Bean?"
Jody: "What'd you expect, BEAN of course!"
Mikale: "Mwuhahahah, rest in peace..."
Jody: "Hmmmmhmmsmeck smeck....."
Quinn: "And?"
Jody: "Yum. Yummy. Tastes like butterbeer!"
X: "I'll pick.. hmm... Truth."
Finnian: "Oh my, maybe not... Which of us guys here would you most like to have a one night stand with?"
Some of the other guys: "Oooooooooohh...."
X: "Fuck... That's a hard one..."
Bolt: "What do you have?!"
X: "Not for you... I guess I'd pick Quinn."
Quinn: "Thank you."
Bolt: "Bean, of course. Unlike some 'brave' Gryffindor.."
X: "Meh."
Bolt: "......"
*Bolt throws up*
Bolt: "Tastes like .....!"
Some guys: "Aargh, gross!"
Finnian: "Wait, sweetie, how do you know what that tastes like?"
Everyone: "......"
Everybody sans Bolt and Finnian: "AAAAAAAAAAAARRGH!!!"
*Suddenly, Laurel Lemon-Lime runs by, naked*
Laurel: "Ahahaha! You so kinky, kinky!"
Mikale: "Wait, how did YOU end up here?!"
Laurel: "... holiday? These dungeons are super awesome, wink wink!"
The guys: "......."
Laurel: "Buh-bye!"
*Laurel runs away, back to the dungeons*
Laurel: "Bwahahah, this place ROCKS harder than-"
*Laurel is cut off for age rating's sake*
Back at the guys' party...
X: "So guys... who's next?"Quinn: "I'll take a bean."
Quinn: "Hmmm........"
Jody: "Someone's got the hots for you, X."
X: "Shaddup."
*Quinn runs away for water*
Chad: "... Nah."
Nodding: "I'll pick truth."
Bolt: "Great, whom of us would you love?"
Nodding: "... Really brah?"
Bolt: "Yup."
Nodding: "Frankly, the answer is none of you."
Bolt: "Feckeroo."
Mikale: "I'm next."
*Mikale plucks a bean and eats it*
Mikale: "Hmm...!---"
X: "You okay?"
Jody: "Bwahaha, what's the taste like?"
Chad: "..."
*Mikale suddenly drops dead*
Guys: "......."
Jody: "Can I poke it with a stick?"
Finnian: "Sure."
Nodding: "Guys, this might be serious.."
X: "Anyone knows the Heimlich?"
Guys: "...."
X: "Great, I'll improvise. Stand back."
*X gets his wand from his pocket and aims it on Mikale's corpse*
X: "Depulso!"
*A shockwave emerges from X's wand and gives Mikale's body a rough shove against his stomach*
Mikale: "Bwegh!"
Guys: "Yay!"
Mikale: "Woohoo! I'm alive again!"
Chad: "Yay!"
Bolt: "Good job, Slytherin bro!"
Quinn: "Hey guys, hint for y'all, milk does the trick.. guys... did I miss something?"

X: "I can say that the party was a moderate success, hahaha."
Later that night...
Bolt wakes up from a nightmare.He looks to make certain none of his Slytherin mates see him like this.
He takes out his phone and texts Nodding.
He creeps out of his room and makes his way through the darkened castle to the greenhouses.
Nodding wakes to his brother's text, "not again" he shakes his head and goes to meet his brother in the greenhouses.
"I had the nightmare again," Bolt confesses.
"I know." Nodding hugs his brother.
"I was trapped in a chessboard unable to escape. You were there, Lydia was there, Dagmar, all of them were there. Even that hideous woman." Bolt shivers.
"It's ok. It wasn't real. You are awake now. You are safe!" Nodding tries to comfort them.
"I cannot let the others know I am so weak. I'm afraid of the dark. How can an evil witch be afraid of the dark?"
"If they are your friends, they will not think badly of you for being scared. I'm sure they have their flaws, too." Nodding turns away and continues, "or maybe you are not as evil as you think you are."
"You cannot say a word of my night terrors, Nodding. Not a word."
"I won't. We might not be related by blood, but we are brothers."
And then it's the big day...
Finnian: Are you ready guys?
Carmella: I'm ready...
John: I'm ready too... Gwen?
Gwen: I'm here and I'm ready...
Beatrix: So let's go show them... Come!
Mahila: Guys, I can feel we're going to get the house points again!
Quinn: Mmm... I don't feel that positive...
Noddy: We can do it!
Phoebe: Yes we can!
Gnomeo: So what are we waiting for? Let's go!
Mikale: Guys remember our strategy, okay...?
Raven: Yes! This time we need to get all the points!
Bolt: Yep! Hufflepuff won't know what hit them!
Lydia: So let's go do it!
Chad: Go! go! go!
Dagmar: Do we need to do this?
Leigh-Ann: Yep! And I feel good... We can win this!
X-Classified: Just remember to do your best guys... Alice? Do you know what to do?
Alice: Oh yes! We need to win the spellcasting duel to take the others out...
Jody: Right! Just remember to be calm and ready for everything... We can do this!
Camilla: Wow! Look at this place...!
Gwen: Aww... I love the underwater theme... Look, here some dolphins too...!
Beatrix-Maye: Okay guys, remember what we're here for... We need to split up to find the other people and take them out of the game...
John: Yeah, But don't just challenge the first person you met. Make sure you can win. And don't place yourself in jeopardy... We really need to keep our numbers up until the end...
Finnian: Aww man... I don't feel so good... I think I'm getting sick...
John: Just do your best son...
Gnomeo: Awesome guys! Look at all these gnomes...
Maliha: Haha, Gnomeo... Are they family of yours...
Gnomeo: Maybe... I will ask my mom when I talk to her again...
Phoebe: Okay guys... Let's do our thing... Just remember Hufflepuff's rock and we're going to win this again...
Noddy: Go Hufflepuffs!
Mikale: Okay, Bolt let's go this way... I hope we can have some Ravenclaws for breakfast...
Raven: I think the Gryffindors is that side... So beware of Jody... I saw him doing a dual with Beatrix-Maye... They both good opponents and deadly...
Mikale: Mmm... I'm sure I can win them...
Raven: Haha, I hope for your sake you can do it... So just be careful before you challenge him, okay?
Lydia: Come on Raven, let's go challenge the Hufflepuffs... I'm sure we can make mince meat of them...
Chad: Okay guys, I will go east and challenge whoever come into my path...
Bolt: Yep, let's go! Slytherin for the win!

Leigh-Ann: Why do I feel so scared all of a sudden?
Dagmar: Aww, don't be... I'm sure you will be good...
Leigh-Ann: But am I good enough to do this....?
Dagmar: Yeah, why not?
Jody: Okay guys, I'm going this side... I'm sure we will get some of the Ravenclaw people...
X Classified: Mmm... If Ravenclaw is that side then Slytherin must be this side...
Jody: You can always come with me...
X Classified: Why? Do you think I can't handle them?
Jody: Haha... It did sound for a moment like that... So go! But be careful... Don't challenge someone if you can't win the duel, okay? Alice, do you come with me?
Alice: Okie Dokie, Whoopi... Let's go! *running after Jody*
Lydia: Yep...
Mikale: Mmm... Just the place to wait for my opponents... Better get ready for this...
Bolt: I wonder where did Mikale go? I'm sure I saw him heading this way....
Dagmar: Hey guys!
Leigh Ann: Are you ready for a dual?
Mikale: Yeah sure... Bring it on!
Leigh-Ann: Nah... I think I will rather save my energy for someone more competent...
Mikale: Haha.... I think it's rather you that's afraid of me...!
Leigh-Ann: Aww... Don't bluff yourself...
Alice: Cooyeee.... Johnny boy....!
John: Alice! Don't tempt me... You will be sorry...
Alice: But Johnny....
Jody: Alice! Come away from John... You can't beat him...
X-Classified: Mmmm... Very interesting....
Alice: Can we play tag?
John: Not now Alice! We are busy with the challenge...
Beatrix: John, are you also coming for a cup of tea...?
John: Mmm... Maybe later...
Finnian: I wonder where are the other guys? *looking around*
Camilla: I need to make sure I'm ready for anything...
Camilla hears the crack of a branch like when someone steps on it... Seeing nobody she realized it must be Gwen...
Camilla: Just be careful, Gwen...
Gwen: Mmm... I'm really scared...
Camilla: Awww.... you will be fine...
Quinn: Okay guys... Let's see if we can take a few people out...
Maliha decided to go right....
Noddy: Anybody here for a duel?
Maliha: Just me... Wanna try me?
Noddy: Nah...
Phoebe also headed this side...
Phoebe bumped accidentally into Gwen who was watching Maliha and Noddy...
Gwen: Oh no...
Phoebe: Gwen? I'm sorry, I have to take you out...
Gwen: Ouch...
Phoebe: Yay! One for Hufflepuff! Sorry, Gwen...
Gwen: Mmm.... Next time I will be ready for you... *going home*
Phoebe: That's the spirit! Good for you!
Gnomeo: Aww... Do you need some help?
Gnome: @#$%.... Can't you see I'm sleeping...?
Gnomeo: Aww... Sorry...
Quinn: Hey girls...!
Lydia: Hey! Are you here to challenge us?
Quinn: Aww... Not now... Maybe next time...
Raven: Haha... You are scared of us!
Lydia: Don't you want a cup of tea?
Raven: Nope... See ya later...
Chad: Wow! Look at this place...
Chad: Nice... Food and everything...!
Mikale: Wow! Anybody home...!
Dagmar: Where are you going?
Bolt: Not far... I love this place too much...
Dagmar: Okay, bye...
Dagmar: Hey, Mikale...
Mikale: Are you here to challenge me?
Dagmar: Nope... Just for a chat...
Leigh-Ann: Wow! Is there something for me?
Chad: Awww, sorry... I just ate the last muffin...
Leigh-Ann: Damn... I'm so hungry...
Alice: Hey, Dolphins...! You wanna play tag?
Dolphins: "..."
Alice: Maybe the little mermaid will... Bye...
Jody: Hey, Finnian...!
Finnian: Oh man! That's not fair... You snuck up on me...!
Jody: In war and games is everything fair... Take this!
Jody: And this!
Jody: Yes! One for Gryffindor!
Finnian: You're laughing now, but I will get back to you! Just watch your back, okay?
Jody: Yeah, Yeah!
*Finnian going home*
X-Classified: Mmmm... Someone want to join me for tea...?
???: "..."
John: Hey guys....
Mikale: Do you come to challenge one of us...
John: Nah... Don't feel like it...
Mikale: Aww... Man, I want some action...
Dagmar: You will get it... Soon...
Beatrix: Hey Alice...
Alice: Hey, Auty Bea.... Can we play tag?
Beatrix-Maye: Not now Alice, we're busy with the challenge...
Alice: But nobody wants to play with me... *sulking* And it's boring to go around... and around... and around... and around.... and around.... and around.... and around.... and around....
Jody: Alice...! We've got the picture...!
Camilla: Anyone feeling for a challenge?
Maliha: Nah... Maybe later...
Noddy: Awww... Save your energy for the right opponent...
Camilla: I guess... But I'm really getting bored now...
Maliha: Okay I'm out of here... See ya!
Maliha: Wow! Look at this place... Awesome!
Noddy: Did you guys find my lucky charm?
Gnomes: "..."
Noddy: Awesome... *picking up a pebble near the gnomes* Thanks, guys! You're great!
Phoebe: Awww... You're right Camilla, This place really gets boring now... With my next move, I'm out of here...
Camilla: Aww... After all, it isn't so bad... It's quiet and there's nobody around to make your life miserable like that queen of Timbuktu...
Phoebe: Haha... You're talking about Dagmar?
Camilla: Who else... She's the only queen to be, in Hogwarts....
Gnomeo: Wow! Look at this...
Chad: Are you here to take me out?
Gnomeo: Nah...
Chad: I just want to say you can try... I'm ready for anyone...
Quinn: Hey! Raven! Watch out! that monster wants to have you for dinner... But just hang in there... I will quickly come and save you from it...
(Fun fact: Only noticed now that Raven changed clothes *facepalm* Oh my... *blushing*)
Raven: Haha, Quinn... You are funny... Are you here to challenge me?
Quinn: No... Just to save you from that monster...
Lydia: Hey guys...
Chad: Are you here to challenge one of us?
Lydia: Yep... Who wants to take me on?
Chad: We're in the same house... So it must be one of them... Gnomeo? Leigh-Ann?
Lydia: Mmmm... Let me see...
Gnomeo: I will...
Lydia: Are you sure you can handle it?
Gnomeo: Yeah, why not... Bring it on!
Gnomeo: Take that...!
Lydia: Not so fast buddy... Here... Take this!
Gnomeo: Ouch...
Lydia: Yes!
Gnomeo: That's not fair! You caught me off-handed...
Lydia: Aww... Just admit it, I'm the better one...
Gnomeo: Yeah yeah... Bye... See ya. *going home*
Raven: Hey guys...
Chad: Why aren't you in your uniform anymore?
Raven: Uhm.... I got an accident... *blushing*
Chad: Oh yeah, they only gave us one set of clothes...
Raven: Yep...
Chad: Okay let me go take out that big mouth Gryffindor...
Lydia: Jody?
Chad: Yeah, but I'm ready for him...
Raven: Good luck!
Chad: Jody...!
Jody: Are you looking for me?
Chad: Yeah, I'm here to take you out...
Jody: Mmm... Let's see if you can... Take this!
(Fun Fact: I also didn't see Beatrix-Maye changed clothes...)
Chad: You needed to put more power in that... Bro... Take that!
Chad: And this!
Jody: Aww... Man... I've lost...
Chad: Sorry...
Jody: *Mmm... I guess I let him win to give his alter ego a boost...* Haha *going home*
Mikale: Hey! Old man...? I'm bored... Do you want a challenge?
John: Who is your old man...?
Mikale: Mmmm... *looking around* I only see one... You...!
John: Mmm...
Mikale: Take this old man...
Mikale: And that...!
Mikale: Yes! Another one for Slytherin!
Mikale: I almost feel sorry for you, old man... I'm sure if you practiced more and spent less time in front of that pentium of yours, you would have done better...
Bolt: "..."
Dagmar: Hey Bolt... Are you still here?
Bolt: "..."
Leigh-Ann: Howdy, Quinny boy...!
Quinn: Aww, yes! Some action... Are you sure you want to take me out?
Leigh-Ann: You think I can't?
Quinn: Definitely... Take this!
Leigh-Ann: Mmmm... You need to practice more, dude... Take this!
Quinn: Oh man!
Leigh-Ann: I told you not to underestimate this girl... Another one for Gryffindor!
Quinn: Yeah, yeah... There will be a next time... *going home*
Alice: Hey... Are you a wizard?
X Classified: Aww... Can I join you for a cup of tea?
Lydia: You're not here to challenge me?
X Classified: Aww not at all...
Beatrix: Hey Alice, You must let me teach you the right way to cast some spells, okay?
Alice: Really? You will teach me?
Camilla: Oh well, I can have a marshmallow braai while waiting for my next opponent to arrive...
Phoebe: I'm also here but it's almost time to go, so enjoy your lunch...
Camilla: Haha... I will thanks...
Maliha: Hey girls...
Lydia: You're just in time... Can I pour you a cup of tea?
Maliha: Maybe later after I take you out of the game first...
Raven: Awesome! Some action! Finally!
Maliha: Take this!
Raven: Woot!
Maliha: And this one is for taking out Gnomeo....!
Maliha: Yes!... Another one for Hufflepuff! We're going to win this, again!
Lydia: Don't be so overly excited... The game is far from over yet... I'm out of the game but Slytherin can still win this... *going home*
Noddy: *jogging* Hey Prof Gnome...? Wanna jog with me?
Phoebe: Finally a change of scenery... And this place is wow!
Raven: Hey, Mikale... What you're up to?
Mikale: Aww... Just browsing...
Raven: Are you sure you don't watch explicit videos...?
Mikale: No man... How do you know me...?
Raven: Haha... That's why I'm asking... I do know you...
Mikale: Do you want to watch with me...?
Raven: Aww sis man... Definitely not!
Chad: Hey, did you see this before?
Phoebe: What?
Chad: Just come and look...
Phoebe: Why don't you just say what it is...?
Chad: Because you won't believe me if you don't see it with your own eyes...
Phoebe: What is it? *come and look*
Chad: Aww... You are too late... It's gone...
Phoebe: But what was it?
Chad: Haha... Nothing... I just want to get you here...
Phoebe: Man! *hitting him over the head*
Mikale: What did I miss, guys?
Phoebe: Nothing...
Bolt: ".."
Dagmar: And that sigh...?
Bolt: Aww, you know...?
Dagmar: What?
Bolt: I wish I've got the courage to go to another place...
Dagmar: Awww.... I'm sure you will... Eventually...
Leigh-Ann: Mmm...
Alice: Hey, Rave...
Raven: My name is Raven...
Alice: Are you a bird?
Raven: Are you here to challenge me?
Alice: No...
Raven: So leave me alone, okay? Go play with the ants...
Alice: Ants?
Raven: Yeah, under that wagon...
Alice: Okie Dokie... *running away*
X Classified: Hey Leigh-Ann...
Leigh-Ann: Hey X... Are you having fun?
X Classified: I do... Did you take someone out, yet?
Leigh-Ann: Yeah... I took Quinn out... Did you take one out?
X Classified: No... Not yet... I'm waiting for the right opponent...
Leigh-Ann: Aww... Okay... But don't wait too long... We don't know how long the game will last...
X Classified: Yeah, that's true... But I will do it... Soon...
Beatrix-Maye: Hey guys...
Mikale: Are you here to take me out?
Beatrix: No...
Mikale: Are you here to take Phoebe out?
Beatrix-Maye: Nope...
Mikale: Then you are here to take Chad out...
Beatrix-Maye: I'm not taking anyone out, okay?
Mikale: Awww damn...
Maliha: Are you still here...?
Camilla: *sigh* Yep... Are you here to take me out?
Maliha: Nah...
Camilla: Damn...
Maliha: Awww.... I'm sure you will be out here soon...
Camilla: Yeah, sure...
Noddy: Hey Leigh-Ann, X
X- Classified: Hey Noddy... Are you here to challenge us?
Noddy: Nope... Leigh-Ann watch out!
Leigh-Ann: What?
Noddy: There's a dinosaur behind you...!
Leigh-Ann: Duh... Funny...
Phoebe: Finally! I can do with a cup of tea after chasing after opponents...
Raven: On guard...!
Dagmar: Not so fast, Dear... Ta...
Raven: Aww... You are just too slow.... Take this!
Dagmar: Oh man...
Raven: Another one bites the dust...! Slytherin for the win!
Dagmar: Aww... Man... I will get you for this... A Queen doesn't get humiliated and don't pay for it...!
Raven: Haha... Go get your army... If you have one...!
Chad: Aww, look at all the gnomes... This must be Gnomeo's garden...
Mikale: Hey, Alice...
Alice: Hey, Mike...
Mikale: My name is... Nevermind... Are you alone here?
Alice: Yeah... The bird just flew away...
Mikale: Bird? What bird?
Alice: The Black Raven bird...
Mikale: Black Raven... Oh, you talk about Raven... Was she here?
Alice: Duh, I just told you she flew away...
Mikale: Whatever...
Bolt: "..."
Leigh-Ann: Hey Mikale...
Mikale: Thank god for miracles...
Leigh-Ann: "..."
Mikale: You just saved me from the jail...
Leigh-Ann: Haha, why?
Mikale: I'm on my way to strangle Alice if she doesn't stop singing that annoying song...
Alice: Do be do be .... *singing on one note*
Leigh-Ann: Alice... You wanna play hide and seek?
Alice: Really? We can play that...?
Leigh-Ann: Yeah... You hide and I will come and look for you, okay?
Alice: Okie Dokie... *running away to look for a place to hide*
Alice: Hey, Raven bird! Is there a place I can hide?
Raven: Yeah, sure... On the third floor...
X Classified: Mmm... Another interesting place... But by the looks of it am I the only one here... Luckily there is a table with a pot of tea... Or I can just practice my spells...
Beatrix-Maye: Hey girls...
Maliha: Oh oh.... Are you here for me?
Beatrix-Maye: I'm afraid yes... Are you ready to go home?
Maliha: Do I have a say in this?
Beatrix-Maye: Yeah, sure... Any last words?
Maliha: Mmm... Why didn't you take Jody out when you could?
Beatrix-Maye: None of your business... Take this!
Maliha: Are you scared of him?
Beatrix-Maye: I say, it's none of your business...! You're out! One for Ravenclaw...!
Maliha: Oh well, I didn't have a chance against you... But I will come there... Bye...
Camilla: Aww man... I love this place... Look at everything...!
Phoebe: Are you here to take me out?
Camilla: Nah... You are safe... For now... Hehe...
Phoebe: Good... But then I'm going... Bye... Have fun!
Noddy: Hey, guys... Look who's back...
Phoebe: Hey Chad.... Up for a challenge?
Chad: Yeah, if I could take Jody out, you will be a foul...
Phoebe: Okay... Let's see... Take this!
Chad: I'm sure you have cheated...
Phoebe: Nah... Just plain skill... You are number two for the day...
Chad: Really? Wow!
Phoebe: Yep! I got my second date guaranteed...
Chad: Oh well... That's good then... See ya... *going home*
Mikale: Mmm... Hogwarts is much nicer than this place...
Bolt: "If you want to break free....!" *singing* Yes! I finally did it!
Raven: "..."
Bolt: I managed to break out from that place...
Raven: What place? What are you talking about? I didn't know there is a jail in this challenge...
Bolt: Haha, there isn't.... But that place is as good as a jail... It keeps me there for the whole challenge... I never see one of the other places...
Raven: Aww man... Some of the places are really good to see...
Bolt: Damn... I heard that this is our last round...?
Raven: It's a pity... Yes...
Leigh-Ann: Hey guys...
Bolt: Hey, Leigh-Ann...
Leigh-Ann: Cool... You finally get out of that place... Awesome!
Bolt: Yeah... But it's too late to see the other places... This is the last round...
Leigh-Ann: Aww... But I'm sure they will let you go and look at the other places... They are really so cool... The producers really did go out of their way to set this place up...
Bolt: Aww... I hope so...
Alice: Hey, Leigh-Ann...!
Leigh-Ann: Oh, here you are....! I've looked all over the place for you and couldn't find you...
Alice: Really?
Leigh-Ann: Yeah... Where did you hide?
Alice: Hahaha.... On the third floor of those buildings... *pointing backward*
Leigh-Ann: Aww... I've never looked there... That is really a good place to hide...
Alice: Hehehe....
X Classified: Hey, Mr. Noddy...
Noddy: Mmmm...
X Classified: You need more practice boy... Defend yourself...
Noddy: Aww man...
Phoebe: Aww... Don't worry... I will ask you on the date...
Beatrix-Maye: Aww... You're still in the game...?
Camilla: Yeah, but I didn't take anyone out... So my chance to go on a date is zero...
Beatrix-Maye: Oh well, we all had fun...
Camilla: Yeah true... Okay, I'm off... my last move before going home...
And so end the spellcasting challenge... But who are the winners? Let's go back to the castle and see...
Back at the Hogwarts Castle
Scot: Did you had fun guys?
Everyone: Yes!
Colleen: Are you ready to hear who are the winners?
Everyone: Yes!
Scot: Okay first let's see who won the house points for this round...
Colleen: With four people taken out, the points goes to Slytherin....!
Slytherin: Yay!!! Woot Woot! *banging on the tables*
Scot: Okay guys... That's enough... *silence*
Colleen: Okay, with two opponents taken out, our first winner is.....
Scot: Phoebe....!
Phoebe: Yes!
Colleen: And now with the tiebreaker question our next winner is...
Scot: X Classified....!
X Classified: Woot!
Colleen: And our second last winner is....
Scot: Raven...!
Raven: Awesome!
Colleen: And our very last winner is....
Leigh-Ann: OMG!!! Is it true?
Colleen: Yep! You're going on a date...
Scot: So guy and girls who are you taking on a date with you?
Colleen: Phoebe?
Phoebe: Nodding...
Scot: Mr. X?
X Classified: Maliha...
Colleen: Raven?
Raven: Quinn...
Scot: Leigh-Ann?
Leigh-Ann: Jody...
Scot: Cool! So guys and girls, while they are on their date you will decide who you want in the truth booth...
Colleen: One last look at them? Do you guys think you have perfect matches among you?
X Classified: Definitely...
Scot: And that is all for tonight... Good night!
Will there be perfect matches between them?
Stay tuned for the next episode!
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